
  • Big Feelings

    Big feelings are absolutely a hallmark of writers.  Despair Ecstasy Joy I’m sure even writers who mechanically pump out a new book every 6 months to a year (Kristen Hannah, Steven King, Colleen Hoover, Raymond Chandler, etc.) feel massively in their chests and limbs the loves and fears of their characters.  The secret is being…

    Big Feelings
  • The Sound of One Hand Snapping

    Poetry and lit readings have some weird stereotypes, starting with the berets. Of course we all wear berets, and I must say I own 4 different berets, wear them often, and look forward to buying more should they appear at flea markets. However, I find myself in the extreme minority with the berets.  More common…

    The Sound of One Hand Snapping
  • I love working.

    My brain is like a dynamo that highschool students present at science fairs. It is crude but unstoppable. It fits neatly in a diorama and I am dying to show it off. And because my brain is always moving (shark) so too are my hands; such stubby fingers typing, clicking, dialing, waving a wild dream…

    I love working.
  • Look for the poetry that stirs you: Words

    For me, that’s always going to be language heavy.  Like, I read a lot of poems in books and on the internet that just sound like day time talk show guests things to introduce themselves. It’s bland in word choice (not to mention forced in intention and energy).  Where are my fellow poets who crack…

    Look for the poetry that stirs you: Words
  • All the aesthetics…

    At no time in history before has it been possible to “choose” an aesthetic.  Maybe the last ten years.  Oh, sure, kids and adults in the 19 twenties could choose this or that outfit, this or that makeup style, and build a kind of an aesthetic. Girls could go full flapper, for example, in the…

    All the aesthetics…
  • The difficulty of the mid length poem

    What even is mid-length? To me its any one-two page poem.  It’s a tough length!  Most of the time i have some idea for a poem, and it is crystalized immediately in a poem-diamond you can pierce through your ear. It’s a single statement of truth. Its something that I can put into words, and…

    The difficulty of the mid length poem