Who am I

I am a figment of your imagination. 

I am only a dust mote, caught in the corner of your eye. 

I am anything you want to imprint on me,
because I am digital flesh; you are digital eyes. 

I am human, and made of real skin and viscera,

created in the usual way. 

I am a poet, in love with the world even when it breaks my heart day after day. I write down my thoughts and unscroll my feelings here in the public sphere, hoping that someone somewhere will make it make sense to them. 

None of this is for me. If it were for me, it would be only scrawled in ink on the skin of a banana, the plushest surface I have ever yet found to write upon. 

My thoughts are my children. My thoughts are tiny boats. My thoughts are seeds and leaves on the wind, that I blow in your general direction. May they find sweet purchase with you.